Sunday, April 4, 2010

Help Aligning ads and links

I need help adjusting the ads to support my posts. I tried moving them but cannot seem to understand how, please help if you see this, thank you.


cornyman said...

Go to your Dashboard in Blogger and click on Layout then simply rearrange the widgetbox to the place you want it to be up/down.

I would change the color of your Adsense boxes to white background and Title + Link the same color like in your blog posts (dark pink), so it will look like it's a short description of another blog post (and you could get easily a click ;-) )

You should add some other Ad networks to make some $$ and get traffic for your new blog. Just contact me in (you'll get a 1 week FREE ad which usually costs 7$ and gives you up to 80 visitor/day + you'll earn up to 50 cents/day)

The Latest Buzz said...

Ok thank you very much, I will contact you, need all the help I can get , lol. My child has had major competitions that just ended so I can devote some time in getting this straight.